Key West is a teeny tiny island, and it’s warm community feel make it an obvious draw for visitors from around the United States, as well as globetrotters around the globe. The allure of the seaside, the finest in tropical eateries, endless bunches of palm trees, the fragrance of fresh fruit, Key West is a delightful assault on the senses. But you can’t enjoy that from the confines of an air conditioned car or bus. And who wants to spend the better part of their holiday hunting around for the elusive parking spot in one of the busiest island cities on earth. Leave the car on the mainland, and opt for a fun key west scooter rental instead. With Key West’s array of narrow alleyways, you have the privilege of really exploring them because of your accessibility. Most cars are not able to navigate them, and when they do, they’re not able to stop and chat with a jovial local or peruse the unique selection of quaint shops. With one or two seater options available, guests can enjoy the convenience of a key west scooter rental for a few hours or longer if they wish. If you’re making Key West your home base for a spell, snag yourself a weekly rental.