The prevalence of Key West boat rentals is a testament to the popularity of life out on the water. Visitors from all over the world come to Key West to explore the vast array of wreck sites just off the coast, to snorkel one of the world’s largest coral reefs and to fish for some of the most impressive species seen anywhere. Key West provides an abundance of ocean related activities, and you would be remiss not to partake. And while there are plenty of organized tours that will take you out for the day, sometimes you just want the satisfaction of loading up your own gear, packing your own lunch, designing your own itinerary, and heading out onto the horizon, all on your own schedule. Key West boat rentals will afford you the opportunity to do that, so here are a few tips and guidelines to follow before you sign on the dotted line.
1) Be Clear About Your Intended Use
While it may be obvious that not all Key West boat rentals, it’s still important to convey exactly what it is you plan to do with the rental. This will help vendors determine what sort of craft you will need, the size and complexity. If you’re heading out to do some sailfishing, you’re probably not going to want a snorkeling vessel! And if you want to be able to have the option to do multiple things with your watercraft, be open and honest with the vendor. Your safety is at the forefront of their mind.
2) Have a Printed Guide on Hand at All Times
If you decide to choose the freedom of Key West boat rentals, because you won't have an onboard guide to provide you with pertinent information about the region, for a number of years, the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute has been producing and providing boaters and anglers with educational guides that provide insight into Florida’s coastal and marine ecosystems. The maps in these guides will demonstrate the distribution of indigenous marine resources, and explain the role of the marine habitat in relation to the health of the marine ecosystem. It’s important to know that angling and boating has an impact on that.
3) Get Hurricane Educated
Those tranquil, Caribbean breezes can easily transition into high winds, pounding rains and tidal surges. If you’re caught out in the middle of that, it won’t be pretty. When a the wind speed of your average tropical cyclone hits a sustained speed of 74 mph, voila, you have yourself a hurricane. The Monroe County (Florida Keys) Tourist Development Council (TDC) has a “formal communications program that is tightly coordinated with local emergency management officials to provide crucial information to help visitors safely exit the Florida Keys in the event a hurricane threatens the region.”
4) Know the Reef Rules
A significant setion of the waters off the coast of Key West is protected by a number of different heritage and conservation laws. These laws also apply to the reef, meaning you can’t just park your boat and drop anchor on the reef with little or no regard for the reef itself. There are a number of signs, colors and symbols that you need to make yourself familiar with, so as not to interrupt the ecology of the reef and other protected areas.
5) Safety First
The last thing you want to be is a statistic, and those who opt for Key West boat rentals, they know that nothing good can come from individuals who don’t act responsibly on the water. Key West is one of the most popular water-activity based destinations in the country, and the last thing you want on your vacation is to either cause a tragedy or have one befall on you. Strictly observe all rules and regulations and it will make for a happy, rewarding experience.

Free Sunset Cruise with Power Adventure
Come enjoy a complimentary Champagne Sunset Catamaran Sail as a gift for joining us on Key West's top Do-It-All excursion. Enjoy all the fun in the sun of the Power Adventure including kayaking, snorkeling, parasailing and jet skiing. Then enjoy a relaxing two-hour journey to watch the famous Key West sunset.